
Composite Research, Inc.

Composite Research, Inc.
Makers of Sundance, Sea Born, and Spyder Boats

Author: admin

What’s are the differences between Sea Born’s FX Sport & Tournament bay boats?

***Please note this article and the link herein has been depreciated as of 7/1/2016 as all Sea Born bay boats are now sold offering either a base or tournament package versus separate models***

The primary difference between Sport & Tournament models within the Sea Born FX series of bay boats is in their usage. Sport models, are more recreational focused whereas Tournament boats have a larger focus on fishing features. For comparison of these features check out the Compare Our Bay Boats page or visit your local Sea Born dealer.

How to Choose a Good Boat Dealer – 5 Winning Traits

As a buyer, you’ve probably already started to associate the idea of purchasing a boat with the many benefits of ownership. Meaning, you envision yourself with more quality time enjoying family and friends. You’re imagining bright sunny days, bigger fish, you know, the full dream. The important part, the idea of your future experiences is the first true step towards ownership and the boating lifestyle.  All that aside, there’s an inherit problem, not all marine dealerships are created equally bringing forth an all important question, “What Makes a Good Boat Dealer?”

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How do I remove 3M 4200 from my fiberglass deck without damaging the gel coat?

Recommended Solution

Getting 3M 2400 on your fiber glass deck can be a big issue. Should you find yourself needing to clean excesses there are a couple of approaches. If the product is wet we suggest you clean with acetone. If the compound has cured, we recommend using a hard plastic pick to rub it out of the non-skid or with a razor knife very carefully.

Remembering the Sundance Ocean Skiff

If you’ve been a fan of Sundance boats for some time, you might recall the 1998 release of the Ocean Skiff. The short lived series of “OS Boats” or “OSB’s” as they came to be known, sported an extra wide floor plan, hog shear, and rolled edges, giving the boats a classic “New England” look.

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3 Reasons Why Science Says You’ll Buy a Boat

Time, Health, and Money…According to the white coat scientist and hipster marketing types, those are supposedly the only driving appeals that motivate we humans to come off our hard earned cash. Meaning every boat, candy bar, song download, or fishing lure ever bought is somehow related to one of those factors. So assuming the big brains and fancy reports have it right, let’s look at why science says you’ll buy a boat.

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Do I need a 3 blade or 4 blade propellar?

Our Solution

The choice between a three-blade and a four-blade propeller depends mostly on the desired performance characteristics of the boat. In general, a three-blade propeller usually offers better top-speed performance in a non-surfacing piercing application. In contrast, a four-blade propeller provides better acceleration and smoother cruising operation.

The growing frequency of propellers being run at an increased height and or in tunnels and are surface piercing, four and five-bladed propellers have become more popular. They suppress the higher level of vibration and improve acceleration by putting more blade area into the water. They can also help to make the rake more effective in lifting the bow of the boat for added speed.

In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity among propellers which run at an increased height, in tunnels, and are surface piercing. As such, it is not uncommon to see four and five blade propellers which surpress the higher level of vibration and improve acceleration simply by putting more blade area in the water. In addition, these propellers often help make the rake more effective in lifting the bow of the boat.